Have you seen the USMCA Video by the Missouri Farm Bureau yet? (It’s embedded below.)
With harvest in full swing many Canadian farmers have may not have much time to follow any new development in the on-going United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) or the Canada-U.S.-Mexico agreement (CUSMA) as it is referred to in Canada.
Although the USMCA was signed on November 30, 2018 it is still in the process of working its way through the various domestic approvals before it can be ratified and take effect. To date Mexico is the only country to have given the agreement full legal approval.
Paying attention to these agreements is particularly important for our agricultural sector here in Canada as it is estimated that the USMCA will help Canada grow agri-food exports up to $75 billion annually by 2025.
Here in the Winnipeg Metro Region agriculture is one of our most important economic sectors, with primary production and value-added agriculture representing over 18,000 jobs.
This week farmers in the US (Missouri Farm Bureau) have come out singing, literally, and have emphasized the importance of trade and the passage of these trade agreements. Maybe farmers on our side of the border want to add their voices to the chorus?
Check out the video below.
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